The main target of Peter Schiff's new ad is his Republican rival, Linda McMahon. But the spot also lands a glancing blow at Democrat Richard Blumenthal.
"Liberal McMahon supports taxpayer-financed government bailouts,'' the ad states. "That's right, just like Dodd and Blumenthal, Linda McMahon will be another vote for Obama's taxpayer-funded bailouts.''
Except Blumenthal doesn't support taxpayer-funded bailouts, says Blumenthal campaign manager Mindy Myers.
"Dick Blumenthal and Peter Schiff both oppose the TARP bailout -- Schiff's ad is misleading and wrong,'' Myers said in a statement. "Dick opposed the Wall Street bailout because it didn't do enough to help people. Peter Schiff can criticize Linda McMahon for supporting billions for Wall Street but not Dick Blumenthal."