If there was any doubt about the Democratic strategy against Linda McMahon, tonight's blizzard of press releases erased it.
"Today the party of Bob Dole, Jack Kemp and Dick Lugar nominated a candidate who kicks men in the crotch, thinks of scenes of necrophilia as 'entertainment,' and runs an operation where women are forced to bark like dogs. This is what has become of the once grand old party," Democratic National Committee National Press Secretary Hari Sevugan said.
"Connecticut Republicans today nominated a corporate CEO of WWE, who under her watch violence was peddled to kids, steroid abuse was rampant, yet she made her millions,'' U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Commitee. "In contrast, Dick Blumenthal has a long record of standing up for the people of Connecticut, especially protecting taxpayers and consumers against predatory practices from corporations. In November, Connecticut voters will face a choice between a corporate CEO who looked out for herself, and a crusading Attorney General who has spent his career looking out for them.''