The Kennedy-McMahon story continued to dominate yesterday's news cycle. I guess there's something compelling about Edward M. Kennedy Jr., a member of one of America's most prominent political families, taking on a brash and rich political upstart.
(There's an irony here: Linda McMahon's political ambitions are often written off as a quest for respectability -- the millions made in the somewhat cheesy business of professional wrestling fueling a bid for admission into the world's most exclusive club, the U.S. Senate. It's not unlike former bootlegger Joseph P. Kennedy's effort to gain respectability by promoting the political fortunes of his sons.)
Brian Lockhart of Hearst notes that the spat between McMahon and Kennedy is "a true sign that...McMahon has arrived on the political scene."
Will we see Kennedy on the campaign trail with Democrat Richard Blumenthal? "Absolutely,'' Ted Kennedy Jr. told me Wednesday night. "I'll be out there doing whatever I can to make sure he's elected U.S. senator." The Branford resident said he and his wife are good friends with Blumenthal and his wife, Cynthia.
Does Kennedy think Blumenthal will prevail? "I think iin the end he is going to be able to get his message out,'' Kennedy said, "People know Dick Blumenthal, they know hes been on the right side and that he's not afraid to take on the special interests. He's done an amazing job.