Republican congressional candidates Dan Debicella and Sam Caligiuri have both ascended to the top level of the National Republican Campaign Commitee's Young Guns program.
That means they've met some rigorous fundraising goals (the NRCC won't reveal the numbers) and, because of that, can now expect an influx of resources. NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions launched Young Guns as "a candidate recruitment and training program for House is designed to assist Republican candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives build a foundation for victory,'' according to the Young Guns website.
The announcement from the NRCC is the second piece of good news for Himes Debicella. Respected political handicapper Larry Sabato has just shifted the 4th District from "likely Democratic" to "leans Democratic. "Two straight GOP polls have had the Republican nominee, state senator Dan Debicella, within striking distance of Democratic Rep. Jim Himes, bad news for Democrats worried about spreading their resources too thin to defend almost 100 vulnerable seats,'' Sabato writes.