With slightly more than one week left until election day, Democrat Dannel Malloy and Republican Tom Foley will both appear separately on "The Real Story'' on Fox CT on Sunday morning.
Each were asked questions by a panel of three journalists during the taping in the joint newsroom of The Hartford Courant and Fox CT on Thursday.
As he has in the past, Malloy questioned Foley's math for solving the state's projected budget deficit in the 2012 fiscal year, which will be facing the next governor when he takes office in early January.
"How do you solve a $3.5 billion deficit by cutting $2 billion?'' Malloy asked.
Foley answered that question - in a separate segment on the show - by saying that the state would receive an additional $500 million in federal funding and an additional $1 billion in tax revenues from an improving economy. Many Democrats, though, have scoffed at the notion that the economy could recover quickly enough to generate an extra $1 billion in the next fiscal year. Tax collections in Connecticut actually dropped off by about $2 billion from their peak - prompted by the bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers investment bank and the subsequent stock market crash that started in September 2008. If the state generated the additional $1 billion in tax revenues that Foley talks about, it would still not be an all-time record for the state.