After Republican Tom Foley finished his concession speech Monday afternoon in Hartford, he stayed to answer reporters' questions. In answer to a query about what his immediate plans are now, he kidded about his return to everyday life after a year of high-profile campaigning.
"I've postponed jury duty for a year, and I have no more postponements, and I have to go on [Wednesday] Nov. 10," he said. "I was hoping to get elected, because elected officials are exempt from jury duty. ... I may go from being candidate for governor to being impaneled on a jury in Stamford."
Other Foley comments:
--On the Bridgeport voting mess: After analyzing the voting results over the weekend with his legal team, Foley said that "my sense was that the integrity of the voting system in Connecticut is quite high. But I think the unfortunate happenings in Bridgeport certainly gives the appearance that the integrity might not be high, and we need to make sure that doesn't happen again."