The final tally of the state's closest gubernatorial election in 56 years entered the historical record Wednesday - with the official certification of Democrat Dan Malloy's 6,404-vote victory over Republican Tom Foley out of more than 1.1 million votes cast on Nov. 2.
"By certifying these election results, we are officially putting into the record books the final word on one of the closest elections in the history of our state," said Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz, the state's top elections official. "This only serves to underscore the point that every vote truly does count." State law requires the secretary of the state, along with the treasurer and comptroller, to "declare what persons are elected" on the last Wednesday of November.
Malloy and his lieutenant-governor running mate, Nancy Wyman, were certified as winners over the GOP ticket of Foley and Mark Boughton by 567,278 votes to 560,874 votes - the second-closest gubernatorial election to 1954, when Democrat Abe Ribicoff defeated Republican John Lodge by a margin of 3,115 out of 920,000 votes cast.