On a historic day of pomp and pageantry at the state Capitol, lawmakers and their families gave multiple standing ovations to both Republicans and Democrats as they celebrated their election victories.
It was a day of high enthusiasm and optimism, but the legislators know that they will likely be raising taxes and cutting programs as they tackle a projected budget deficit of $3.5 billion in the next fiscal year that starts in July.
"Today is going to be beautiful,'' said Sen. Edith Prague, the senior Democrat in the legislature who recently turned 85. "I'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow.''
Downstairs in the Hall of the House, six former Speakers returned to the chamber in an opening-day tradition that brings the top leaders back to Hartford. The crowd included Speakers James Amann, Moira Lyons, Thomas Ritter, Richard Balducci, and Ernie Abate. The dean of the speakers - Nellie Brown - returned in a wheelchair after facing health problems in recent years. He said it was great to be back as he watched the proceedings on the House floor.
In a day of ceremonial pageantry, state Rep. Chris Donovan was officially elected as the Speaker by both the Democrats and Republicans in a bipartisan move. The new Democratic majority leader, J. Brendan Sharkey, nominated Donovan and said that he has "that Irish twinkle in the eye that he sees something that you don't quite see yet.''
It was also a day for the freshmen and the new faces who have come to Hartford for the first time. The 51-member House Republican caucus has 17 new members, including 14 who captured seats from Democrats and three who won open seats that had been previously held by other Republicans.
"It's the most new faces since 1984,'' said Patrick O'Neil, a spokesman for the House Republicans. "It's the largest single pick-up for any caucus since we got rid of the party lever in 1986.''