Susan Bysiewicz' Senate candidacy is only a few hours old but she wasted no time in laying out the themes she intends to strike over the next 22 months.
Among them: Ending U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq, helping small businesses, reducing electricity costs, ending our dependence on oil from the Middle East and, above all, creating jobs and helping young people remain in the state.
"I am running because I have three teenagers...and I am extremely concerned that our state leads the nation in young people leaving,'' she said during a phone interview this morning.
Bysiewicz said Lieberman has "lost his way and hasn't been focused enough on bringing jobs to our state."
She says she's running "because I want to make our state a place that can keep our young people here...we have to make sure we have good job opportunities here...that's my top priority and that's what I intend to talk about during this campaign.''
But what can a U.S. Senator do to foster job creation and keep 20-somethings from abandoning Connecticut?