The first televised contest became known as "the brawl at The Bushnell.''
Round two will be Wednesday night at The Garde Arts Center in New London as Democrat Dannel Malloy and Republican Tom Foley face off in the gubernatorial contest. The debate is scheduled for live coverage on My TV 9, and it is scheduled to be rebroadcast at 2 p.m. Sunday on WTNH, which is known as News Channel 8.
The first TV debate featured numerous clashes on the stage at The Bushnell Center For the Performing Arts in Hartford. On the following morning, the candidates continued clashing and even argued over which candidate had changed a bedpan more recently.
The issue came up when Malloy complained that Foley had criticized him for marching on a picket line with union workers outside a nursing home on primary day in August. That clash was not on live television but took place in front of more than 750 people at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford. The CT-N public affairs network taped the encounter and broadcast it five times in the ensuing days.